Thursday, February 3, 2011

100% chance of freezing rain

School's cancelled tomorrow!

It was supposed to cancel today, but it didn't get "inclement" enough until 4:3o, which is well after my classes are over. But hey, I get to skip out on four classes tomorrow. Sweet!!
(That probably means I can't do anything fun, though. Driving around tomorrow may not be a smart idea. I guess I'm stuck in the house... I'll just study. And make jewelery.)

I have an interesting experience from a few days ago which taught me a good lesson on not being quick to assume.

I was getting a little bit tired of being the only one who would take out the trash, refill the paper towels, and load the dishwasher, so instead of confronting my roommates, I left a couple harmless sticky notes in the kitchen. On the paper towels I left "You kill it, you fill it" and on the trashcan "You fill it, you kill it."

I wake up the next morning to find that (1) the paper towels were empty and the note gone, and (2) the "You kill it, you fill it" note on the dishwasher. "WHOAH. Is someone giving me attitude??" I thought. I was livid. I've been doing the dishes, putting other peoples' dirty plates in the washer and taking them out when they were clean. Who's saying that I don't do the dishes??? "Surely it was Zatabia," I thought, "she knows how to dish out an attitude. Heather's too cool/chill to do something like that." Zatabia once put a note on the fridge about not crowding the sink with dirty dishes, so I assumed she was making a fuss again.. I fumed for a while, thinking about how I could dish it back out (get it? dish? nyar nyar).

The whole WWJD loomed on my mind, too. I was angry, but I knew I had to do the right thing...namely, to be a peacemaker. I filled the paper towels again and took the trash out (but in the new bag I threw the sticky note in it in plain sight...). I decided I'd kindly ask Zatabia if she moved the note, and if there's a problem, what can I do to resolve it? She comes home, and I ask her about the note. "What note?" she replies. OH NO! I felt really bad for assuming it was her. But then I was baffled. Did Heather REALLY do that? HEATHER?? No way! Is Heather really not as cool & passive as I thought she was? So I was brought kind of low at this point. I misjudged Zatabia, assuming she did something that Heather did. I would have to approach Heather now.

Heather came home. I asked her about the note. "Huh? Oh, I found it on the floor, and I was in a rush to go and couldn't remember where it was, so I just stuck it on the dishwasher. Wasn't it there before?" Ouch. I was brought WAY low at this point. I made these terrible assumptions about these girls, while this mess was all in my head. I almost started drama for NO REASON.

Don't assume! Because, as we all know, it makes an... (you can finish the sentence).


Unknown said...

great post! You're right. We should all do a bit less judging and a little more peacemaking. I would have been fuming about the kitchen and moved sticky note situation, too! I'm glad you reacted in the right way rather than responding with sass. Love ya, sista!

Jeff said...

I also love this post--probably because I tend to assume too much... "Good on ya" to not react and go off on their &*%#'s though, that never turns out well. AND, you talked to them about it--10 points for Gryffindor! :~)

Michael said...

Doesn't really have anything to do with the above post, but Natalie is the cutest!

Unknown said...

Seeing as how I'm a new reader to your blog, I'm just now reading this. I LOL'd. You are a good story-teller.